
This site is a growing resource for anyone interested in teaching climate change in the humanities and social sciences, offering resources and reading lists that can be integrated into a college course syllabus. The resources are intended to be useful for humanities and literature instructors who are interested in developing syllabi, or adding climate change/climate justice units to their courses, as well as for instructors in the sciences and social sciences who might want to include a discussion of literary texts in their classes. Climate change is not a niche issue, but one that touches a range of social, political, cultural, and environmental concerns. We therefore feel that it is necessary to think across disciplines to teach climate change. Because climate change informs so many different areas of inquiry, we found it necessary to keep our idea of what counts as climate fiction, and climate rhetoric open-ended.

The site includes reading lists organized around literary or expository writing related to climate change. Each list is rooted in a single text or a handful of texts, and includes primary and secondary sources, and includes discussion questions. The hashtags identify key issues raised by the list, and can be used to search across lists. The resources tab will direct you to links on climate science, climate change politics, climate change curricula, and climate activism.

The project was started in 2018 by graduate students and professors in the Ecocriticism Public Working Group from the Graduate Center, CUNY, and the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at New York University. You can find our bios our contributing authors page. The project has been sponsored by the Center for the Humanities and the GC Doctoral Students Council. This is an ongoing project. We encourage anyone who is interested in contributing a list to reach out to us here.
